Source code for ulordapi.config

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The Ulord Core Developers
# @File  :
# @Author: PuJi
# @Date  : 2018/5/16 0016
# @Description : Second import.Just after utils

import os, json, logging, io, time
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler

from ulordapi import utils
from ulordapi.version import __py_version__

PROJECT_ROOTPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
ROOTPATH = os.getcwd()
log_format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-8s %(name)s %(message)s'
log_file_path=os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'upapi.log')

[docs]class Config(dict): """ config class.Based on the dict.Update key-value,including subdict. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ config init :param key-value: config key and it's value :type key-value : str """ dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._ensure_subconfig() self.log = logging.getLogger('Config:') def _ensure_subconfig(self): """ set sub dict as config class """ for key in self: obj = self[key] if isinstance(obj, dict) and not isinstance(obj, Config): setattr(self, key, Config(obj))
[docs] def save(self): """ save config to the config file.Just for the config,not support for it's sub config. """ # data ={k: unicode(v).encode("utf-8") for k,v in self.itmes()} # Just think about config.maybe need to think about other instance. # if self.has_key('baseconfig') and self['baseconfig'].has_key('config_file'): if 'baseconfig' in self and 'config_file' in self['baseconfig']: # adapt py3 # todo windows permission denied with open(self['baseconfig']['config_file'], 'w') as target: if 2 <= __py_version__ < 3: json.dump(self, target, encoding='utf-8', ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True) elif 3 <= __py_version__ < 4: json.dump(self, target, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True) else: print("error python version") exit(-1) else: self.log.error("cann't find config.Please check if has config_file in config.It will using original path {}".format(os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'config'))) # self.update({ # "baseconfig":{ # "version":"0.0.1", # "config_file":unicode(os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'config')).encode('utf-8') # } # }) utils.Update(self, { "baseconfig": utils._byteify({ "version":"0.0.1", "config_file":os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'config') }) }) with open(os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'config'), 'w') as target: json.dump(self, target, encoding='utf-8', ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def read(self, init=True): """ read config from config file and update config. :param init: check if the config is first save.Default is True, will save the config file. :type init: bool """ # read and config from self['baseconfig']['config_file'] if 'baseconfig' in self and 'config_file' in self['baseconfig'] and \ os.path.isfile(self.get('baseconfig').get('config_file')): if 2 <= __py_version__ < 3: with['baseconfig']['config_file'], encoding='utf-8') as target: try: utils.Update(self, utils.json_load_byteified(target)) except: message = "error read config {}.It's not a json file.".format(self['baseconfig']['config_file']) print(message) self.log.error(message) # todo may recover a new config elif 3 <= __py_version__ < 4: with['baseconfig']['config_file'], encoding='utf-8') as target: try: utils.Update(self, utils.json_load_byteified(target)) except: message = "error read config {}.It's not a json file.".format(self['baseconfig']['config_file']) print(message) self.log.error(message) # todo may recover a new config else: print("error python version") exit(-1) elif init: # first init else: self.log.error("cann't find config.Please restart...") os._exit(-1)
[docs] def edit(self, data): self.update(data)
baseconfig = Config( version="0.0.1", Debug=True, config_file=os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'config.json') ) udfsconfig = Config( udfs_host = '', udfs_port = 5001, ) logconfig = Config( level=level, format=log_format, log_file_path=log_file_path ) ulordconfig = Config( ulord_url = "", ulord_secret = "5d42b27f581c11e8bf63f48e3889c8ab", ulord_appkey = '5d42b27e581c11e88b12f48e3889c8ab', ulord_curtime = int(time.time()), # ulord_head = { # "U-AppKey": "", # "U-CurTime": int(time.time()) # # "appkey": "2b111d70452f11e89c2774e6e2f53324" # }, ulord_publish = "/transactions/publish", #4 ulord_update = "/transactions/update", #4.1 ulord_delete = "/transactions/delete", #4.2 # ulord_publish_data = { # "author": "justin", # "title": "第一篇技术博客", # "tags": ["blockchain", "UDFS"], # "udfs_hash": "QmVcVaHhMeWNNetSLTZArmqaHMpu5ycqntx7mFZaci63VF", # "price": 0.1, # "content_type": ".txt", # "pay_password": "123", # "descriptions": "这是使用UDFS和区块链生成的第一篇博客的描述信息" # }, ulord_createwallet = "/transactions/createwallet", #1 ulord_transaction = "/transactions/consume", #6 ulord_paytouser = "/transactions/paytouser", #2 ulord_queryresourcelist = "/content/list", #resource2 ulord_querybalance = "/transactions/balance", #3 ulord_checkbought = "/transactions/check", #5 ulord_userpublished = "/content/publish/list", #resource3 ulord_querysingleresource = "/content/gets", #resource1 ulord_in = "/transactions/account/in", #7 ulord_out = "/transactions/account/out", #8 ulord_billings = "/transactions/account", #10 ulord_publish_num = "/transactions/publish/count", #11 ulord_billings_detail = "/transactions/account/inout", #9 ulord_querysinglebilling = "/content/claim/list", #resource4 ulord_querysingleresourceaccount = "/content/claim/account", # resource5 # update with ulord other URL ) webconfig = Config( start=True, port= 5000, host='', token_expired=86400, # Token expiration time. /s # activity activity=True, amount=10, # encryption # utilspath = os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'utils'), pubkeypath=os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'public.pem'), privkeypath=os.path.join(ROOTPATH, 'private.pem'), ) dbconfig = Config( IsCreated=False, SECRET_KEY="ulord platform is good", SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='sqlite:///sqlite.db', SQLALCHEMY_COMMIT_ON_TEARDOWN=True, JSON_AS_ASCII=False, # support chinese SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS=True, ) config = Config( baseconfig=baseconfig, udfsconfig=udfsconfig, logconfig=logconfig, ulordconfig=ulordconfig, webconfig=webconfig, dbconfig=dbconfig ) baseconfig = config.get('baseconfig') udfsconfig = config.get('udfsconfig') logconfig = config.get('logconfig') ulordconfig = config.get('ulordconfig') webconfig=config.get('webconfig') dbconfig = config.get('dbconfig') # TODO need to init some actions according to the config level=logconfig.get('level') log_format=logconfig.get('format') log_file_path=logconfig.get('log_file_path') if 2 <= __py_version__ < 3: if level in logging._levelNames.keys(): level = logging._levelNames.get(level) else: level = logging.INFO elif 3 <= __py_version__ < 4: if level in logging._nameToLevel.keys(): level = logging._nameToLevel.get(level) else: level = logging.INFO else: print("error python version") exit(-1) logging.basicConfig( level=level, filename=log_file_path, format=log_format) Rthandler = RotatingFileHandler(log_file_path, maxBytes=10*1024*1024,backupCount=5) Rthandler.setFormatter(log_format) Rthandler.setLevel(level) # if __name__ == '__main__': # import pprint # pprint.pprint(config)