Source code for ulordapi.up

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The Ulord Core Developers
# @File  :
# @Author: Ulord_PuJi
# @Date  : 2018/5/18 0018
import logging, copy, time

import requests

from ulordapi import utils
from ulordapi.config import ulordconfig, config, webconfig
from ulordapi.errcode import return_result

[docs]class UlordHelper(object): """ a helper to request the ulord paltform """ def __init__(self, appkey=None, ulord_secret=None): """ using appkey and secret to init the helper :param appkey: registing from the ulord-platfrom will create application :type appkey: str :param ulord_secret: registing from the ulord-platfrom will create secret :type ulord_secret: str """ self.log = logging.getLogger("UlordHelper:") # base URL self.ulord_url = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') # self.ulord_head = ulordconfig.get('ulord_head') # if not self.ulord_head: # self.log.error("cann't find the request head! Exit...") # exit(1) if appkey and ulord_secret: self.appkey = appkey self.ulord_secret = ulord_secret else: self.appkey = ulordconfig.get('ulord_appkey') self.ulord_secret = ulordconfig.get('ulord_secret') self.curtime = ulordconfig.get('ulord_curtime') # regist URL self.ulord_createwallet = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_createwallet') # ulord regist webURL 1 self.ulord_paytouser = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_paytouser') # ulord transfer webURL 2 # publish URL self.ulord_publish = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_publish') # ulord publish webURL 4 self.ulord_update = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_update') # ulord update webURL 4.1 self.ulord_delete = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_delete') # ulord delete webURL 4.2 self.ulord_publish_data = { "author": "justin", "title": "第一篇技术博客", "tags": ["blockchain", "UDFS"], "udfs_hash": "QmVcVaHhMeWNNetSLTZArmqaHMpu5ycqntx7mFZaci63VF", "price": 0.1, "content_type": ".txt", "des": "这是使用UDFS和区块链生成的第一篇博客的描述信息" } # ulord publish data # query URL self.ulord_queryresource = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_queryresourcelist') # query resource list webURL #resource2 self.ulord_checkbought = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_checkbought') # query if the blog has bought 5 self.ulord_transaction = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_transaction') # ulord transaction webURL 6 self.ulord_querybalance = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_querybalance') # qurey balance webURL 3 self.ulord_userpublished = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_userpublished') # query the resource that user has published resource3 self.ulord_in = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_in') # query income billings 7 self.ulord_out = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_out') # query outcome billings 8 self.ulord_billings = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_billings') # query the user's billings 10 self.ulord_billings_detail = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_billings_detail') # query the detail billings 9 self.ulord_published_num = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get('ulord_publish_num') # query the number of the resource that author has published. 11 self.ulord_reource_byID = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get( 'ulord_querysingleresource') # query the resource list according to the ID. resource1 self.ulord_expenserecords_byID = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get( 'ulord_querysinglebilling') # query the blog that user has bought resource4 self.ulord_statistics_byID = ulordconfig.get('ulord_url') + ulordconfig.get( 'ulord_querysingleresourceaccount') # query the blog that user has bought resource5 # TODO ulord other URL
[docs] def calculate_sign(self, dt=None): """ encrypt the request data according to the secret :param dt: data need to be encrypted, Default is None :type dt: dict :return: Usign """ # deepcopy dt datas = copy.deepcopy(dt) # sign request data if not datas: datas = "" result = '' for index in sorted(datas): if isinstance(datas[index], list): # if data is list need to change a string temp = '' for data in datas[index]: if isinstance(data, bool): if data: data='true' else: data='false' else: data = str(data) temp += data datas[index] = temp if isinstance(datas[index], bool): if datas[index]: datas[index]='true' else: datas[index]='false' result = result + str(index) + str(datas[index]) del datas if (self.curtime + (5 * 60 - 1)) < int(time.time()): self.curtime = int(time.time()) ulordconfig.update({ 'ulord_curtime':self.curtime }) USign = self.appkey + result + self.ulord_secret + str(self.curtime) self.USign = utils.generateMD5(USign).upper() ulordconfig.update({ 'ulord_head':{ 'U-AppKey':self.appkey, 'U-CurTime':str(self.curtime), 'U-Sign':self.USign } }) self.ulord_head = ulordconfig.get('ulord_head') return self.USign
[docs] def post(self, url, data): """ post to the ulord-platform :param url: request's url :type url: str :param data: post data :type data: dict :return: return can query the errcode """"url is {}".format(url))"data is {}".format(data)) # deal with unicode and utf-8 from version import __py_version__ if 2 <= __py_version__ < 3: from utils import _byteify data = _byteify(data=data) elif 3 <= __py_version__ < 4: pass else: print("error python version") exit(-1) # calculate U-Sign self.calculate_sign(data) # self.ulord_head = ulordconfig.get('ulord_head') try: r =, json=data, headers=self.ulord_head) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed request from the ulord-platform: {0}, URL is {1}".format(e, url)) return return_result(60400) if r.status_code == self.log.debug(r.json()) return r.json() else: self.log.debug(r) return return_result(60400)
[docs] def get(self, url): """ get from the ulord-platform :param url: request's url :type url: str :return: return result.You can query the errcode. """ self.calculate_sign() self.ulord_head = ulordconfig.get('ulord_head') try: r = requests.get(url=url, headers=self.ulord_head) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed request from the ulord-platform: {0}, URL is {1}".format(e, url)) return return_result(60400) self.log.debug(self.ulord_head) if (r.status_code == self.log.debug(r.json()) return r.json() else: self.log.debug(r) return return_result(60400)
[docs] def regist(self, username, password): """ regist wallet address from the ulord platform :param username: wallet name :type username: str :param password: wallet password :type password: str :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict """ data = { "username": username, "pay_password": password } return, data)
[docs] def publish(self, data): """ publish data to the ulord platform :param data: data needed to be published.Key includes author,title,tags,udfs_hash,price,content_type,des,pay_password :type data: dict :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ return, data)
[docs] def update(self, data): """ update data from the ulord-platform :param data: data needed to be updated.Key includes id,pay_password,title,tags,udfs_hash,price,content_type,des,pay_password :type data: dict :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ return, data)
[docs] def delete(self, id, password): """ delete resource on the ulord-platform :param id: resource ulord-platform DB ID :type id: int :param password: user wallet password :type password: str :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { "id": id, "pay_password": password } return, data)
[docs] def transaction(self, payer, claim_id, pay_password, isads=False): """ record the transaction to the ulord platform :param payer: payer wallet name :type payer: str :param claim_id: resource claim id :type claim_id: str :param pay_password: payer wallet password :type pay_password: str :param isads: check the resource if a Ad. :type isads: bool :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'customer': payer, 'claim_id': claim_id } if isads: data.update({ 'author_pay_password': pay_password }) else: data.update({ 'customer_pay_password': pay_password }) return, data)
[docs] def paytouser(self, username): """ activity send some ulords to the user :param username: user wallet name :type username: str :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ if webconfig.get('activity'): data = { 'is_developer': True, 'recv_user': username, 'amount': webconfig.get('amount') } return, data) else: return return_result(60300)
[docs] def queryresource(self, page=1, num=10, **kwargs): """ query the resource list from the ulord platform.method is get :param page: which page do you want to view?Default is 1. :type page: int :param num: how many pieces of datas in one page?.Default is 10. :type num: int :param kwargs: key-value query :type kwargs: key-value :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ temp_url = self.ulord_queryresource + "/{0}/{1}".format(page, num) if kwargs: data = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): data.update({ key: value }) return,data) else: return self.get(temp_url)
[docs] def querybalance(self, payer, pay_password): """ query the personal balance from the ulord platform :param payer: payer wallet name :type payer: str :param pay_password: payer wallet password :type pay_password: str :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'username': payer, 'pay_password':pay_password } return, data)
[docs] def checkisbought(self, payer, claim_ids): """ query the personal balance from the ulord platform :param payer: payer wallet name :type payer: str :param claim_ids: resource claim id :type claim_ids: list :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'customer': payer, 'claim_ids': claim_ids } return, data)
[docs] def queryuserpublished(self, wallet_username, page=1, num=10): """ query user published from ulort platform :param wallet_username: auther wallet name :type wallet_username: str :param page: which page of result do you want to view?Default is 1. :type page: int :param num: how many pieces of data of result do you want to view?Default is 10. :type num: int :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'author': wallet_username, } temp_url = self.ulord_userpublished + "/{0}/{1}".format(page, num) return, data)
[docs] def query_resourc_by_ID(self, ids): """ query resource list according to the id list :param ids: need to be query id list :type ids: list :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'ids': ids, } return, data)
[docs] def queryBillingDetailByID(self, claim_id, page=1, num=10): """ query all billing details according to the claimID :param claim_id: resource on the ulord-chain ID :type claim_id: str :param page: which page of result do you want to view?Default is 1. :type page: int :param num: how many pieces of data of result do you want to view?Default is 10. :type num: int :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'claim_id': claim_id, } temp_url = self.ulord_expenserecords_byID + "/{0}/{1}".format(page, num) return, data)
[docs] def queryStatisticsByID(self, claim_ids): """ query resource statistics information by ID :param claim_ids: need to be query ID list. :type claim_ids: list :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'claim_ids': claim_ids, } return, data)
[docs] def queryincomebillings(self, author, start, end, page=1, num=10, category=2): """ get income billings info :param author: current user wallet name :type author: str :param start: start time.2018-03-29 :type start: str :param end: end time.2018-03-29 :type end: str :param page: which page of result do you want to view?Default is 1. :type page: int :param num: how many pieces of data of result do you want to view?Default is 10. :type num: int :param category: resource type. 0----common resource,1----ads,2-----all :type category: int :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'username': author, 'sdate': start, 'edate': end } if category == 1 or category == 0: data.update({ 'category': category, }) temp_url = self.ulord_in + "/{0}/{1}".format(page, num) return, data)
[docs] def queryoutgobillings(self, author, start, end, page=1, num=10, category=2): """ get outgo billings info :param author: current user wallet name :type author: str :param start: start time.2018-03-29 :type start: str :param end: end time.2018-03-29 :type end: str :param page: which page of result do you want to view?Default is 1. :type page: int :param num: how many pieces of data of result do you want to view?Default is 10. :type num: int :param category: resource type. 0----common resource,1----ads,2-----all :type category: int :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'username': author, 'sdate': start, 'edate': end } if category == 1 or category == 0: data.update({ 'category': category, }) temp_url = self.ulord_out + "/{0}/{1}".format(page, num) return, data)
[docs] def querybillingsdetail(self, author, page=1, num=10): """ query the billings detail.Union the income and outgo :param author: current user wallet name :type author: str :param page: which page of result do you want to view?Default is 1. :type page: int :param num: how many pieces of data of result do you want to view?Default is 10. :type num: int :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'username':author, } temp_url = self.ulord_billings_detail + '/{0}/{1}'.format(page, num) return, data)
[docs] def querybillings(self, username, start, end): """ get billings info :param username: current user wallet name :type username: str :param start: start time.2018-03-29 :type start: str :param end: end time.2018-03-29 :type end: str :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'username': username, 'sdate': start, 'edate': end } return, data)
[docs] def querypublishnum(self, author, start, end): """ query the number of resourced which has published :param author: current user wallet name :type author: str :param start: start time.2018-03-29 :type start: str :param end: end time.2018-03-29 :type end: str :return: errcode.You can query from the errcode dict. """ data = { 'author': author, 'sdate': start, 'edate':end } return, data)
# ulord_helper = UlordHelper() if __name__ == '__main__': author = "test" data = { 'author':author } # print(ulord_helper.regist(username='x'*12,password='123'))